Seasonal Seasoning.

December has always been a rather spiritual period of the year, I think. For most of the world that follows the Gregorian calendar, December is finality. A year’s gone by – so what’s happened, and why? And far more so, the end of December. The day hardly carries meaning, but I think you’d be challenged […]

A form letter for writers.

Dear You, Certainly, it is possible to have more than one talent. Hugh Laurie: actor, voice artist, comedian, writer, and musician. Stephen Fry: actor, writer, comedian, author, television presenter and film director. Both are hilarious in that delightfully English way. And through his talents, a strand of pubic hair from Kelsey Grammar is probably worth […]


A long belated update on the internet, I can hear myself say. Apologies to that two blind people who frequent our site, we’ve been procrastinating in massive puddles of late. Aggro’s reason would probably be much more valid than mine, what with work and all. Mine’s mostly a crap excuse of being in a transitional […]